About Sigma Investing
Sigma Investing is composed of a small team of financial professionals, entrepreneurs, engineers, and academics who have pooled their combined 100 years of investing experience to build a guide to long term investing. Over the years, we have implemented a great strategy for investing which has been advocated by an impressive array of experts. Leveraging our experience, research and analysis, we're hoping to pass these lessons onto you in a concise format as you develop a long term investing plan.
There are three key requirements for building enough capital to retire comfortably:
Aggressive saving throughout your working years
Allowing your investments to grow over a long time horizon
Making the right investment choices.
We can’t help you with the first two but we have the information to help you develop an investment plan that will protect and grow your assets.
We see our role as two-fold. First, we will introduce you to the relevant investment concepts and strategies needed to create and implement an investment plan. Second, we will steer you to other valuable sources of information from investing experts whose opinions we value.
We hope that you find this site to provide valuable information as you develop and implement your investment strategy.